Multi Group International (MGI) is a privately owned group of companies headquartered in Dubai where it was established in 1999. Followed by a series of successful enterprises on a global platform, MGI has deservedly... Read more
Write a ReviewMulti Group International (MGI) is a privately owned group of companies headquartered in Dubai where it was established in 1999. Followed by a series of successful enterprises on a global platform, MGI has deservedly... Read more
Write a ReviewLUCKY ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD LUCKY ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD was established in 1994, and has since gained a reputation for being one of the leading metalwork companies in the area, having been involved in many high... Read more
Write a ReviewGulf Fence Factory is a U A E based firm into the business with its Saudi based associate supplying and installing various types of Chain Link Fencing systems in Galvanized & P.V.C. GFF enjoys rapid market acceptance... Read more
Write a ReviewNad Shabeeb Sanitary Drainage & Water Distribution Est; one of the listed Companies in ALI AHMED KHALFAN GROUP, was established in 1994. The other major listed companies in KHALFAN GROUP are Ali Ahmed Khalfan Cars,... Read more
Write a ReviewStudpac Aquatic Solutions is a sister company of Studpac General Trading LLC , which has been designing, building and delivering backyard and school aquaponics systems since 2013 all over the Middle East. It was just a... Read more
Write a ReviewAdham Farm Equipment Manufacturing LLC was established in 2006 in Dubai, our area of specialty is farm equipment production, poultry house equipment and egg incubators in a large range of capacities (from 264-115,000... Read more
Write a ReviewWe have great pleasure to introduce Al Safa Road Contracting L.L.C (SRC) as one of the RTA authorized growing companies in the United Arab Emirates. The company has been undertaking prestigious Road and Infrastructure... Read more
Write a ReviewGreen Building Industries has a 215,000 sq ft state-of-the-art production facility with a 15 Year experience in the Region and more than 300 highly skilled craftsmen with more than 25 Year experience in Offsite... Read more
Write a ReviewAL AFIAH ROADS CONTRACTING Co has been a key partner in the infrastructure growth of the UAE and has expanded to meet the needs of the region as the demands for improved infrastructure increase. Al Afiah has a proven... Read more
Write a ReviewZain Pest Control & Cleaning Services is one of the leading Pest Control and Cleaning Services companies in Dubai. Our motto is “A Healthy and Safe working/living atmosphere to all”. Established in the year 2010, we... Read more
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