Sylar Motorcycle Trading Company L.L.C. one of the leading business organization in the United Arab Emirates registered in 2005 and started its operation in the Motorcycle field. We have developed an excellent reputation for marketing abilities, quality of service and committed professionalism to a varied clientele.
Our vision is to make the satisfaction to customers as real object, unique, tailor-made and cost effective solution that serve and compliment their present and future needs incorporating, premier products and services available in the market.
SYLAR earns the recognition in the Motorcycle Trading and Performance market as professionals by the extensive range of services that it offers to its clients.
In SYLAR its states that one of our primary purposes is “to strive for flawless execution of my work and to deliver superior value to everyone.” This is more than just a mission statement; it is the way we do business. Every day. To achieve the highest level of quality possible, we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations. Our goal is to delight our customers and our intent is to build customer loyalty. In fact, 90 percent of our work is based on our relationship with our clients and their repeat business. Our loyal clients drive the growth of our company, which in turn allows us to provide growth opportunities for our people. Everyone benefits. We monitor customer satisfaction very closely through a survey process. Our scores consistently exceed client expectations and we are intently focused on continuous improvement: improving our relationships with our clients; improving our performance on our work; and improving the future for our employees and their families. Our commitment to quality is the basis for everything we do. Let us exceed your expectations.